Prepared by OPHI CEO Dana Hargunani, MD MPH, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a new issue brief today aimed for states interested in using cross-sector partnerships to improve population health. The brief outlines (1) best practices for making them happen, (2) Oregon’s experience using them, and (3) a tool-kit to jumpstart the process in your state.
With clear evidence regarding the significant role of social determinants in driving health outcomes, states should expand performance measurement and accountability beyond factors controlled solely by the health care delivery system and connect with actions by non-health care sectors, specifically engaging in opportunities to implement collaborative, joint accountability approaches with non-health care sectors that target meaningful, shared goals in education, housing, nutrition, and beyond. With the right cross-sector partnerships and jointly-employed measurement and accountability tools, policymakers can improve health outcomes to an extent just not possible through isolated, medical-centric efforts.
In order to be successful though, these partnerships require five pre-requisites: (1) shared understanding, (2) goal alignment, (3) leadership support, (4) external stakeholder engagement, and (5) a clear decision making process among policymakers.
Read it here.