In 2015, OPHI partnered with Klamath County (OR) Public Health to conduct a rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a model Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance. The purpose of the HIA was to provide information...
OPHI worked with the Health Impact Project and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (Boston) to conduct an HIA of proposed changes to HUD’s Designated Housing Rule (DHR). The DHR allows Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to...
In January, 2014, with funding from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Oregon Public Health Institute (OPHI) partnered with Clackamas County Public Health (CCPH) and the Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development (DTD) to...
Since 2010, Lane County (OR) leaders in health, economic development, higher education, transportation, affordable housing, water and energy, and social equity have being working to integrate plans and strategies through the Lane Livability Consortium...
Oregon Public Health Institute and its partners completed a health impact assessment of the City of Portland’s rental housing inspections program. This HIA was funded by a grant from the Health Impact Project, a collaboration...
OPHI partnered with Metro Regional Government to conduct a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of Metro’s Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study. The Transit Study was a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) evaluating the potential...
The SE 122nd Avenue Pilot Project is a neighborhood planning study that was completed by the City of Portland Bureau of Planning the Sustainability in 2011. The purpose of the Pilot Project was to...
OPHI was part of an HIA workgroup led by Multnomah County Health Department, to conduct a Columbia River Crossing HIA in 2008. This HIA, the first one done in the state of Oregon, was the first...