Black Lives Matter
Police violence is a public health crisis rooted in racism and white supremacy.
Police violence is a public health crisis rooted in racism and white supremacy.
Prepared by OPHI CEO Dana Hargunani, MD MPH, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a new issue brief today aimed for states interested in using cross-sector partnerships to improve population health. The brief outlines...
National Reach: There are five HEAL Nation states that are part of the Heal Cities Campaign the campaign (Maryland, Virginia, California, Colorado and Oregon). The national initiative is managed by the California Center for Public...
Alignment with Health Equity and Development (AHEAD) is a national initiative funded by the Kresge Foundation, designed to bring together neighborhood stakeholders and converge community development and health resources to mitigate health inequities and social...
Outdoor activities can increase opportunities for physical activity, reduce stress, and strengthen relationships with our friends, family, and community. OPHI is working with Willamette Partnership, Portland State’s Institute for Sustainable Solutions, Oregon Healthiest State and...
TheHEAL Cities Campaign is a partnership between the League of Oregon Cities and the Oregon Public Health Institute, made possible with generous support from Kaiser Permanente. The HEAL Cities Campaign is a resource to help civic...
In 2015, OPHI partnered with Klamath County (OR) Public Health to conduct a rapid Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of a model Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance. The purpose of the HIA was to provide information...
OPHI worked with the Health Impact Project and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (Boston) to conduct an HIA of proposed changes to HUD’s Designated Housing Rule (DHR). The DHR allows Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) to...
In January, 2014, with funding from the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Oregon Public Health Institute (OPHI) partnered with Clackamas County Public Health (CCPH) and the Clackamas County Department of Transportation and Development (DTD) to...
Oregon Public Health Institute and its partners completed a health impact assessment of the City of Portland’s rental housing inspections program. This HIA was funded by a grant from the Health Impact Project, a collaboration...