The Future of CCOs in Oregon
This event has already taken place. Thank you to all that attended and participated in making this a great event! Click here to read a summary of the event. Allies for a Healthier Oregon...
This event has already taken place. Thank you to all that attended and participated in making this a great event! Click here to read a summary of the event. Allies for a Healthier Oregon...
Join us for the 14th Annual Billi Odegaard Public Health Genius Awards! Read about our winners here. TICKETS AND TABLES CAN BE PURCHASED HERE. For more information, please contact Karli Thorstenson, If you...
Please join us on Friday, September 16th from 11:30-2:00 at the Multnomah Athletic Club in Portland to celebrate OPHI and all of the amazing work going on in Oregon to advance the health of...
On January 29th, OPHI partnered with Rose Highbeaf from Wisdom of the Elders to screen a documentary featuring the People of the Whale (the Inupiat Tribe) on Alaska’s Northwest Coast and their cultural resiliency...
Dawn Robbins, Oregon Public Health Institute’s worksite wellness expert, hosted a free webinar on February 12, 2016. This webinar was aimed at small enterprises (fewer than 100 employees) interested in learning: Why Oregon business...